Saturday, December 28, 2019

What doesnt last is more important than you think

What doesnt last is more important than you thinkWhat doesnt last is more important than you thinkMany years ago, before the advent of smartphones and the Internet, people used to lug around Polaroid cameras and camcorders to record events.The earliest camcorders were bulky and had to be rested on your shoulder to use.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreMy fatherbei wore his Polaroid camera on a strap around his neck. Whatever the special occasion, Dad would interrupt the festivities to gather everyone together for a picture.The novelty of the Polaroid welches that it spit out a photograph immediately after you took one. A few seconds later, the image would develop before your very eyes. Wed stop whatever we were doing, just to wait for the picture to come into focus.Image by John WeissIt was common to see parents at their kids sporting events, running around like news reporters wit h their clunky camcorders, trying to capture all the action. Sadly, they often missed exciting moments because they were fiddling with their equipment.I remember reading an insightfularticleback then in Newsweek magazine. It was all about a woman who documented every bit of her childrens lives with a camcorder until she attended a performance at her daughters school and forgot her video camera.The woman had tears in her eyes as her daughter sang a solo in the performance. Initially, she could have kicked herself for failing to remember her video recorder, until a friend suggested that not filming was what allowed her to have the unadulterated joy of this experience. She was freed from the demand to document what was happening, and able to simply live it.In the article, the author wroteQuantum physics posits that the essential nature of a phenomenon is changed by the act of measuring it, and I know this idea has applications here. Our cameras come between us and what we document. How many moments have I missed?- ?or altered?- ?in an effort to capture them for all time?While Im sorry I cant share my daughters recent solo with relatives and we dont have a hard copy for the future, the moment wouldnt have been the same for me had I been fumbling with the electronics.Little did the author know how prescient her concerns about fumbling with the electronics were. Nowadays, were all fumbling with our smartphones, and consumed by social media.How many special moments in our lives have been diluted by intrusive technology? Why do we feel an urgent need to document everything, instead of just experiencing it in full? Whats worse, how often do we really revisit the thousands of photos and videos stored on our smartphones?The untethering ofegoHave you heard of the British land artist Andy Goldsworthy? He produces site-specific environmental art, using branches, stones, leaves, and natural objects found in nature.Whats unique about Goldsworthys artwork is its impermanence. Unlike a stone sculpture or framed oil painting, Goldsworthys creations are more ephemeral. There to be enjoyed briefly before they disassemble back into the earth.Goldsworthy notes that hikers and outdoor people come across his artwork, maybe even more so than the artwork in an artists studio. He has built permanent sculptures and uses photography to memorialize some of his work, but none the less, there is elegant transience to his creations.I discovered Andy Goldsworthy via the author Peter Hellers new novelThe River,which tells the story of two rugged, university buddies, Jack and Wynn, who decide to canoe the Maskwa River in northern Canada. Both men share a love of mountains, books, and fishing.In a scene in the novel, Wynn is wading in the river water, creating Thingamajigs. The scene continuesWynn was crazy about Goldsworthy, the environmental sculptor, and was in awe of the ethic of ephemeral art, from Buddhist sandpainting to the sapling moons of Jay Mead. The untethering of ego the purity of creating something that wouldnt even be around to sign in a matter of hours or days. What that said about ownership and the impermanence of all things. He was less impressed with the extravagant shrouding of Christo, which he thought were grandiose and domineering.Peter Hellers character Wynn is clearly a deep thinker, who is moved by the purity of creating something that wouldnt even be around to sign in a matter of hours or days.In todays egocentric culture, where everyone is posting on social media and clamoring for attention, its fascinating to encounter an artist like Goldsworthy, or a novelist like Peter Heller, who seem to appreciate the simple joy of direct experience.In Hellers novel, Jack and Wynn arent taking selfies of their canoe adventure or looking for wi-fi to upload the days action to their social media channels. Theyre enjoying natures beauty, one anothers company, and the cowboyfilm paperbacks they read at the campfire. Theres no technology to get in the way of their experience.I just want to stay initIn the underrated movieThe Secret Life of Walter Mitty, actor Ben Stiller plays Walter Mitty, a photography department employee at Life magazine. He goes on a quest to find one of the magazines celebrated photographers, Sean OConnell (played by Sean Penn), to tell him where a missing cover photo is.Walter finds Sean in the Himilayas, waiting to photograph a rare snow leopard. As the two are talking, the snow leopard appears, but Sean doesnt take the photograph. Walter asks him if hes going to take the shot.Their exchangeSean OConnellSometimes I dont. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I dont like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.Walter MittyStay in it?Sean OConnellYeah. Right there. Right here.How many times have we all reached for our smartphones at special moments? How often do we invite the distraction of the camera instead of just staying in the moment?Magical moments in ourlivesTher es nothing wrong with capturing that graduation snapshot, or group photo with friends as you hike in Italy. But maybe we dont need to reach for the camera (or our smartphones) as often as we think.What doesnt last is more important than you think. The most intimate moments, often with the ones we love, can be some of the most magical moments in our lives. Or those quiet times in nature, when a deer unexpectedly walks by. Such moments are often ephemeral and short-lived but stay in our minds forever.To reach for the camera or smartphone is to interrupt the magic, and possibly blur your memory of it forever.Andy Goldsworthy sees the beauty in his transient artwork. It is meant to be experienced briefly, and then it fades away.The author Peter Heller, who is an avid outdoorsman, clearly understands the importance of ephemeral things. The main characters in his novel The River are young men who find deeper meaning in the fleeting beauty of nature rather than the endless distraction of s ocial media and self-documentation.Even the famous photographer Sean OConnell, in the movieThe Secret Life of Walter Mitty,knows when to set aside his camera and just stay in the moment.What doesnt last is more important than you think. When such moments arise, think twice before you reach for the camera or smartphone. Choosing to just stay in the moment might be sweeter, and better memorialize the experience in your memory than any intrusive, digital device.Before you goImJohn P. Weiss.I paint landscapes, draw cartoons and write about life. Thanks for readingThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, December 23, 2019

How to have a happy marriage 7 powerful secrets from research

How to have a happy marriage 7 powerful secrets from researchHow to have a happy marriage 7 powerful secrets from researchEverybody wants to have a happy marriage. Unfortunately, on average, marriages getlesshappy with time.You know this must be true because I have achartActually, its worse than that because you have a lousy memory and yur brain plays tricks on you. However happy you think your marriage is, its probably been less happy than that.Researchers asked people how satisfied they were with their lebensabschnittsgefhrteship. Then they checked in again later with the same subjects. A lot of people said things had gotten better. But they were wrong. People consistently misremembered how good things were the first time they were asked.So heres another depressing chartFromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkEven though peoples actual relationship satisfaction had declined from 5.8 to 5.4, their perceived relationship satisfaction had increased from 4.7 to 5.4. They achieved this self-delusion, which allowed them to believe the falsehood that they were becoming happier in the marriage, by misremembering their Time 1 satisfaction as being 4.7 when it was actually 5.8.No, shouting at me wont make this less true.The very happy marriage has taken a seat next to pandas on the endangered species list.Before you start fumbling with the child-proof cap on the Prozac bottle, let me say thereisa silver lining here. While the average marriage has gotten worse, the happiest marriages are better than theyve ever been.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkMarriage, in short, has tilted toward an all-or-nothing state. As its primary functions have ascended Maslows hierarchy, and as weve spent less time with our spouse, its become mora difficult for our marriage to live up to our expectations, which means that mora of us wind up feeling disappointed. At the same time, as the nature of our marital expectations has changed, the benefits of fulfilling those expectations are larger than ever. Consequently, even as the average marriage is getting worse, the best marriages are getting better.Alright, enough doom and gloom. How can we make our unions more like those super-duper happy ones?Were going to get some answers fromEli Finkel. (He does more than compile depressing charts, I swear.) Hesa professor of psychology at Northwestern University and the director of their Relationships and Motivation Lab.His book isThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages Work.Alright, lets get started quick before those stats sink any lower badeanstalt things are exceptions, good things are traitsEverybody screws up. Your spouse is going to screw up. So how should you interpret those screw-ups?People with happy marriages binnensee those mistakes as external (caused by context, not character) and temporary (as one-offs, not persistent traits).So, repeat after me your spouse was late picking you up because traffic was bad today and not because they are and always have been an inconsiderate subhuman pig-man who will never ever change.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages Work the tendency to make internal and stable attributions for our spouses negative behaviorspredicts greater distress about those behaviors and greater deterioration in relationship quality over time. The tendency to make external and temporary attributions for such behaviorsdoes just the opposite, reducing distress about the behavior in question If were confident that our lebenspartner is, by and large, a decent partie who wants to do well by us, theres a strong argument that we should seek to make attributions that give him or her the benefit of the doubt.And you can turn this one inside out and double the benefits. When your partner does something good, you want to chalk that up to being internal (indicative of their character) and stable (a persistent trait).They got you that thoughtful gift because they are and always have been the kindest person to ever grace the earth with the imprint of their foot and not because every now and then even Satan remembers to do something nice.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkRather than separating our spouse from the behavior and treating it as a one-off event, relationships benefit when we link our spouse to the behavior and treat it as generally characteristic of him or her - when we make internal, stable attributions the tendency to make internal and stable attributions for our spouses positive behaviors predicts greater happiness about those behaviors and greater improvement in relationship quality over time.The point here isnt to begin a massive campaign of lying to yourself, but to give your partner the benefit of the doubt.(To learn more about the science of a successful life, check out my bestselling bookhere.)By interpreting issues the right way you can keep things positive and continue to see your soulmate as your soulmate. Oh, by the way - you really shouldnt see them as your soulmate. Ever Meant to be equals not meant to beI know, I know - this post is about as romantic as an episode of Divorce Court. But believing someone is your soulmate has a serious downside.Psychologists call concepts like this destiny beliefs and theyre a pretty black and white way to see things. So when things get difficult, people who endorse ideas like we were meant to be tend to flip to wewerentmeant to be. Ouch. Whats a better perspective?Much as with intelligence and learning, you want to have a growth mindset toward your relationship. Things arent set in stone, difficulties are normal, its going to take some work, but we can always improve.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkAccording to the psychologist Raymond Knee, people with strong destiny beliefs think that partners either are or are not meant to be. They view conflict and other relationship difficulties as indicators that they may simply b e incompatible with their partner. People with strong growth beliefs, in contrast, think that partners can cultivate a high-quality relationship by working and growing together. They view conflict and other relationship difficulties as opportunities to develop a stronger relationship.Stop talking about your marriage like its the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy and start endorsing ideas like,A successful relationship evolves through hard work and resolution of incompatibilities or Challenges and obstacles in a relationship can make love even stronger.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkOne promising option for approaching our relationship in a growth mind-set is to take a few minutes every month to think about ways in which such statements are true, ideally focusing on instances in our own lives when, for example, overcoming an obstacle made a relationship stronger.So see yourselves as a couple that has the skills to work through problems instead of the char acters in some epic predestination story. As a general rule, your relationship should have as little in common with Oedipus Rex as possible.(To learn the two-word morning ritual that will make you happy all day, clickhere.)People give a lot of marital advice but one thing nobody ever tells us is take things for granted. You know why? Because 1) its a terrible idea and, 2) nobody needs to. Sadly, were excellent at doing it without a reminder Give thanksWhen even just one of you feels gratitude,bothof you are more satisfied with the relationship. Hows that for a bargain?FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkAlgoe argues that gratitude serves as a booster shot for romantic relationships. People tend to experience higher gratitude on days when their partner does something thoughtful for them, and such gratitude predicts elevated relationship quality the next day. In fact, when one partner experiences elevated gratitude on a given day, both partners experience positi ve relationship outcomes. In the long run, people who experience elevated levels of gratitude also experience stronger relationship commitment and are less likely to break up.Research shows that merely dedicating a little time tothinking about how your partner has invested in the relationship increases positive feelings toward them and elevates commitment to the marriage.And this often leads to a virtuous cycle.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkAll of us can find a few minutes per week - before going to bed or while showering, perhaps- to think about ways in which our spouse has invested in our marriage. Doing so has the potential not only to bolster our gratitude and relationship commitment, but also to increase our overall happiness. And heres the kicker Because our own experience of gratitude tends to predict our partners warm treatment toward us, our decision to pursue a gratitude-increasing lovehack can increase our partners positivity toward us, poten tially launching a virtuous cycle of mutual gratitude, kindness, and commitment.Big benefits and you didnt even have toexpressgratitude to your partner. Not that it would hurt, mind you.*blogger clears throat*(To learn 5 secrets from neuroscience that will increase your attention span, clickhere.)So its good to be thankful for the positive things theyve done in the past. But what can you do for the positive things in the moment in order to make them that much better?CapitalizationNo, I dont mean use the big letters. When discussing relationships everybody focuses on getting through the hard times. Turns out we have it backwards. Studies show that how you celebrate the good times actually has a much bigger effect on how happy your marriage is.Capitalization is delighting in your partners good news. Being supportive, curious and enthusiastic when they get that big promotion, that big raise, or when the judge says acquitted.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages Workthe psychologists Shelly Gable and Harry Reis observe that social support is about much more than helping each other through hard times. These scholars have built a program of research demonstrating the power of delighting in good news together. In particular, communicating with our partner about personal positive events - that is, engaging in capitalization attempts - is linked to positive emotions and mental health, beyond any effect of the events themselves. Such capitalization attempts are also linked to greater feelings of trust, intimacy, and satisfaction in the relationship.Every night each of you should share the best thing that happened to you that day. Listen intently, ask questions, and be enthusiastic.Thats all you have to do. Yes, really.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages Work every evening over the subsequent week, the partners took turns discussing their most important personal positive event that day. Couples who had been trained in enthusiastic, c elebratory responding - trained to ask questions about the event, show positive emotion about it, and generally be engaged and constructive during the interaction - tended to experience greater love for each other following those nightly discussions.(To learn the secret to never being frustrated again, clickhere.)But sharing good news is just the start. Whats the secret to better communication in a marriage?Communication Is keyTalking about relationships is good for your relationship. You dont even have to talk aboutyourrelationship, necessarily.In fact, just watch Casablanca together and discuss it. Seriously.Researchers had couples watch movies about relationships and then talk about them. Guess what? Those people were less likely to divorce.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages Work each week over the next month, they viewed a different relationship-themed movie and discussed the same set of questions. Relative to participants in the no-treatment condition, par ticipants in the intervention condition were about half as likely to separate or divorce over the next three years (13 versus 24 percent).And try some self-disclosure. Open up. Its tightly linked with higher relationship quality.And you dont need to go full-therapy-session. Want to increase the passion in your relationship?All it takes is a double date and opening up about yourself.When study subjects played a game involving self-disclosure while with another couple, romance was rekindled.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkWhen it came to feelings of satisfaction in the relationship, the self-disclosure task was beneficial regardless of whether the couple was on a double date or by themselves. But when it came to feelings of romantic passion, the self-disclosure task was especially beneficial in the double-date condition. In short, socializing with our spouse and other people can stoke the romantic fire in our marriage, but only if the socializing is fun and intimate.(To learn 3 secrets from neuroscience that will help you quit bad habits without willpower, clickhere.)And going on double dates isnt the only way socializing can improve your marriage landsee other peopleNo, dont have an affair. That would be bad. Very bad.But these days we expect spouses to be our everything emotionally. And that is insane. You still need friends. You still need family.A ton of research shows we need a diversified social portfolio. And we need them to be specialized the friend who calms you down when youre anxious, the family member who cheers you up when youre down, the pal who helps you chill out when youre angry. Your spouse cant be expected to be the best at every one of those situations.So what happens when you have a team of emotional specialist friends in your life? You dont just feel better personally - your marriage gets better.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkIn this nine-month study, breadth and specialization also pr edicted a decreased likelihood of breakup. In addition having a highly specialized social portfolio protected participants from the typical decline in relationship well-being over time.Did you catch that last sentence? The effect is so powerful it actuallypreventsthe decline in relationship well-being that we saw in those scary charts up above.It also has the lovely benefit of not turning your spouse into a widow or widower.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkA meta-analysis by the psychologist Julianne Holt-Lunstad reveals that people with high scores on broad measures of social integration - marital status, social network size, and social network participation - are about half as likely to die in a given follow-up interval (say, ten years) as people with low scores. This effect is larger than the effects of well-known predictors of mortality like smoking and obesity.(To see the schedule that very successful people follow every day, clickhere.)So youve got good friends and youre not expecting your spouse to solve every problem you face. Cool. But when you two are together, what should youdo?Try A New Restaurant After You Go SkydivingWhen you first start dating you do all kinds of cool stuff. Then you fall into a rut and your life together feels as scripted as a bad sitcom.Youre not bored - youre boring. So stop being boring. Keep doing new and exciting things together and the relationship can stay fun.We all want to learn and grow and be stimulated - psychologists call it self-expansion theory. When you continue to do those types of things, relationship satisfaction goes way up. Oh, and something else happens too A lot more sex.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkIn a study from the psychologist Amy Muise, relationship partners completed questionnaires about their relationship for twenty-one consecutive days. They reported how much self-expansion they experienced each day by completing items like How much did being with your partner result in you having new experiences? and How much did being with your partner expand your sense of the kind of person you are? They listed activities like shucking oysters for the first time, taking ballroom dancing lessons, and taking a road trip. When participants reported greater self-expansion on a given day, both they and their partner reported experiencing greater sexual desire in - and greater satisfaction with- the relationship. They were also 36 percent more likely to have sex that day.No, you dont actually have to go skydiving. But your activities do need to be truly novel and exciting. Pleasant doesnt cut it, bubba.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkA study by the psychologist Charlotte Reissman included a more stringent control condition. All couples made a list of activities that they view as exciting and a separate list of activities that they view as pleasant. They were then assigned to engage in either an exciting or a pleasant activity for ninety minutes for each of ten consecutive weeks. Relative to couples in the pleasant condition, couples in the exciting condition were happier in their relationship at the studys conclusion.(To learn the 4 secrets to reading body language like an expert, clickhere.)Okay, weve learned a lot about how to defy those depressing marriage stats. Lets round it all up and find out the very important - and incredibly simple - last thing you need to do Sum upThis is how to have a happy marriageBad things are exceptions, good things are traits When they dont do the dishes its because they were busy. When theydodo the dishes its because theyre a good person who loves you.Meant to be equals not meant to be A growth mindset prevents your soulmate from becoming not-your-soulmate.Give thanks Regularly think about all the nice things theyve done to contribute to the relationship. (And maybe even thank them.)Capitalization Be enthusiastic and make their little good things into big good things.Communication is key Self-disclosure is powerful - especially on a double date.See other people Supportive friends dont take you away from your relationship they improve it.Try a new restaurant after you go skydiving Novel and exciting experiences together makes for happier marriages and increased sexy-time.So what else do you need to do? I feel silly even saying it spend more time together as a couple.Because these days, most people dont.FromThe All-or-Nothing Marriage How the Best Marriages WorkAccording to one major study, the amount of time that childless Americans spent alone with their spouse declined from thirty-five to twenty-six hours per week from 1975 to 2003, with much of this decline resulting from an increase in hours spent at work. The decline for Americans with children at home was from thirteen to nine hours per week, with much of it resulting from an increase in time-intensive parenting.We expect so much from marriage in the modern era - and itdoeshave the potential to deliver on those big expectations. The happiest marriages today are the best they have ever been.Just put in a little effort and you can defy the trends and have one of those very happy marriages where the charts look upside downJoin over 320,000 readers. Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Thisarticlefirst appeared in 2014 onBarking up the Wrong Tree.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How to Look for a Job Abroad First Stop, Australia

How to Look for a Job Abroad First Stop, AustraliaHow to Look for a Job Abroad First Stop, AustraliaWhether youre seeking new experiences and cultures, want to add some unique skills to your portfolio or want to find a summer jobin a fun, new environment, working abroad can be a valuable experience.A good choice for Americans who want to work abroad in a professional capacity is to choose an English-speaking country. But even when a countrys native language is English, there are still cultural differences to navigate. Over the next few weeks well share cultural tips from professionals who are either from or have worked extensively in English-speaking countries around the world.Working in AustraliaRichard Perkins is an American who worked in Australia as an engineer for an engineering consulting firm between 2006 and 2008. According to Perkins, one of the most pronounced differences between the Australian and American cultures is the concept of work-life balance. The voreingestellt wo rkday in Australia is 7.5 hours, compared to 8 in the U.S., and employees in the tech industry dont put in the long 60-70 hour workweeks that many of their American counterparts do. This value on quality of life over business can be a welcome change for Americans, but it does have implications.Theres a living adjustment in Australia, said Perkins. Because Australians are so focused on quality of life and balance, necessities are inexpensiverent, food, gasbut luxuries that Americans tend to take for granted, such as media, electronics and books, are very expensive. In addition, a lot of service businesses are closed on the weekends. For example, grocery stores and pharmacies might only be open for a few hours on the weekend, if at all.The working environment in Australia may be more noticeably different for women, said Perkins.There seem to be assumptions about the role of women in the workplace that wouldnt have flown in the U.S. but were supported by the women there, he said. For e xample, in my firm only about 2 percent of the scientists and engineers were women, and there were no male administrative assistants.Perkins said that if you are a woman going to Australia in a technical role, It might be hard at first, but Australians respect assertive women.When You InterviewAs part of the value placed on work-life balance, Australian companies tend to aim for sustainable business growth rather than exponential growth. Perkins said that while large international companies might focus on impressive past achievements during an interview, most Australian companiesplace a higher importance on cultural fit.Australians value people who are easy to work with and get along with everyone, Perkins said. They want you to do good work when youre working but to also know when to have a good time.According to the Lewis Model of cultural types, Australian culture is similar to that of the U.S. in that we both tend to be data-driven planners, but Australians are a touch more emot ional than Americans, as evidenced by their priority on cultural fit when interviewing job candidates.Other Cultural DetailsThe main cultural difference that Perkins noticed between Australians and Americans is that, Were much more politically correct in the U.S. Australians are more coarse.Perkins admitted to being taken aback occasionally by the Australian sense of humor.They have a very dry sense of humor, and they tend to make fun of themselves first in reservierung to beat others to the punch. Perkins said, Australians are very forgiving, but they will laugh at you.Tips and Caveats How to Get a JobPerkins offers the following tips for Americans who would like to find a job in Australia1. Be flexible Australia is a smaller market than the U.S., and you cant always specialize in one distinct area. At Perkins firm most engineers worked in two to three different business groups. Perkins recommends making sure you have the ability and willingness to work in multiple functions within your company.2. Take a risk It can be extremely hard to secure a job in Australia while still living in the U.S. Perkins tried this with no luck and ultimately restarted his engineer job searchwhen he arrived in Australia. Once in the country, Perkins found a job within four months even though he was being picky. Risks should be taken with caution however, which leads us to the next tip.3. Make sure its a calculated risk Check out the local economy before you go. In 2006, when Perkins decided to move to Australia, the economy was doing well, which allowed him to find a job in his field and be picky about which company he worked with.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Vermont is offering remote workers $10,000 to move to its state

Vermont is offering remote workers $10,000 to move to its stateVermont is offering remote workers $10,000 to move to its stateIf you work remotely, pack up your bags Maple syrup and mountains are calling for you. On Wednesday, Vermont Governor Phil Scott,signed into law a billthat will pay eligible remote workers $10,000 to move to the state of Vermont in 2019.Vermont wants to pay employees to move and work remotely from its stateTo be eligible, you will need to become afull-time Vermont resident on or after January 1, 2019. You will also need to prove you are a full-time remote worker for a company outside of the state. Vermont will pay for your relocation expenses by giving you up to $5,000 a year for two years. In return, the state is hoping to get a much-needed boost to its economy. It needs your hardworking fresh face. Vermont has an aging population and only about 625,000 residents, which is creating a shrinking tax base.Vermont State SenatorMichael Sirotkin said the program wo uld work well for employees wanting to get out of an urban environment into a more rural environment, those who are maybe paid well and dont want to leave their job.Looking for an inspiring way to start your day? Sign up forMorning MotivationIts our friendly Facebook robot that will send you a quick note every weekday morning to help you start strong. Sign up here by clicking Get StartedVermont is not the first place in America to lure workers with the sweet smell of cash. To address worker shortages, small towns in Michigan and Ohio are also offering financial incentives to people willing to move.If youre interested in the Vermont deal, act fast. The grants will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis next year, and theres only $125,000 in grant money available in 2019. While youre hemming and hawing over uprooting your life for a life in New England, Ill be looking up apartment listings in Burlington, Vermont.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Bizarre Secret of Custodian Resume

The Bizarre Secret of Custodian Resume Life After Custodian Resume A custodian is an individual or an organisation thats responsible for taking care of something. Use the tab key to leave an area for the student to compose their answer after every question. Show yurs by finding whatever you love about the business or school. During the interview, youre going to be asked about your experience together with your urge to work at the school. Whether youre seeking to discover a managerial housekeeping job or are applying for your first position, having the ability to communicate well is essential for anyone who must work on a team and handle the requirements of consumers on a daily basis. In that case, ask assistance from someone who did. The One Thing to Do for Custodian Resume The Custodian should be able to recognize cleaning agents and the chemicals they are produced from. Housekeeping plays an extremely important role whether its in an industrial environment or within a pr ivate capacity. Tell the employer why you chose to develop into a Housekeeper. To learn more on what it requires to be a Housekeeper, take a look at our complete Housekeeper Job Description. What to search for When selecting a Custodian Starting a RIA isnt more or less managing a customers money. Experience is crucial. It is a huge plus. Work experience is a significant portion of your curriculum. But What About Custodian Resume? As you search for job openings, dont be scared to look outside the industry you have experience in. Dont neglect to demonstrate that you presently familiarized with the role for the specific market and tell your ability that will aid you and the organization to thrive. Your experience level will have an impact on your pay. Consider product offerings despite the fact that most custodians provide a core, there are differences, especially when it comes to alternative investments. Potential employers wish to view how much work youll be able to handle in addition to the forms of services youre able to provide for the organization. When youre asking for a job for a housekeeper, caretaker or a job in the hospitality business, the employer might need to realize that you have experience with certain varieties of housekeeping tasks. Housekeeping workers and housekeepers are liable for performing a wide array of duties in numerous places. Make sure that you select a custodian who can help you do business faster and better. For sure, the recruiter would want to learn your story. The job of a custodian, because you can see, is extremely challenging. Resumes received other than by email is going to be destroyed and wont be considered. In the same way, an expert babysitter searching for a job may choose the aid of the babysitter resume template. There are a few employers who look back on housekeepers. If youre on the lookout for a housekeeper position, you will require a professional resume. Nonetheless, some advisors decide to w ork with a number of custodians and for valid explanations. The Downside Risk of Custodian Resume The superb housekeeper job search resources will let you develop a winning job application. You may also want to review the Housekeeping job description and ideal job qualifications sections so youll get a better idea on how to generate your resume stand out more. If you wish to submit an application for a cleanup job, its crucial to demonstrate your abilities and experience on your resume. On the flip side, an individual applying for the job of a janitor would be in a position to use the janitor resume templates. If youre asking for a housekeeping trainer job, you will need to showcase your abilities and abilities accordingly. People applying for at least 1 position must offer application material for each position. If youre asking for a housekeeping position, you have to create a well-written resume to reveal your abilities. So if youre planning to submit an application for a housekeeping position, youll need to structure your resume effectively explaining your cleaning skills in addition to experience in the relevant fields. Our resume builder will provide you with tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. You may use the websites templates and samples to make your maintenance and janitorial resume. How youre present that information on your resume can ride on your degree of experience. You will have the ability to include all of your work data in the templates, together with the other qualifications.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Pitfall of Unh Resume Writing

The Pitfall of Unh Resume Writing The War Against Unh Resume Writing Nevertheless, theres a difference and its helpful to understand when to compose a CV vs resume. Career builder CV samples supply you with many formats out there. Developing a professional CV isnt really as difficult as you think if you understand how to get through it. Possessing an executive level curriculum vitae samples readily available, you find it possible to construct an application for this dream job that you want. The Meaning of Unh Resume Writing A resume builder gives you the ability to display the structure of you resume in a friendly format, to be able to select the best sections of the resume that you would like to publish. Since resumes are largely digitally sent, theres no need to have a printout and sign the resume. It might be tough to acquire good resume format for freshers. A great format ought to be simple to follow. All statements have to be submitted electronically. Your professio nal experience needs to be noted down in a crisp way. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional method. Youll start by taking a look at examples of two reference letters written by two unique individuals. Unh Resume Writing - What Is It? If youre a college student or recent graduate trying to land your very first job, you might locate the sample below very valuable. Call 203-479-4858 or email the CDC should you experience an internship, part-time job, full-time opportunity or whether youre interested in mentoring a recent UNH student. You may also stop by the Hire a UNH Student page for more information about how to connect with UNH students. Consequently, first and second year students enjoy an excellent chance to speak with practitioners and consider numerous career alternatives. Getting the Best Unh Resume Writing How to compose a simple resume isnt a question people ought to be asking. Youll learn about different people that you can ask for a letter fro m and have a look at the difference between a standard reference and a sealed reference. Then, you are going to go over different sections of a titelseite letter and appear at several examples of them. In the end, therell be a discussion about ways to post your resume In Lesson 11, youre likely to learn to compose an effective cover letter. Think twice of words that youre likely to utilize in your CV carefully. The fundamental outline will stay the exact same for each posting. Ideally, a resume ought to be one-page long so guarantee that the sentences are crisp and well-written. Basically, youll want to utilize and share your previous accomplishments to prove that youre a productive and intelligent individual. As an example, a resume should be only a single page, and it must be laser-printed or typeset by an expert printer, and it ought to be printed on bond paper. The important and different kinds of information that needs to be given in a resume represents a resume templ ate. Hunting for resume samples in your region of expertise may also provide you a good idea of the amount of pages that are normally expected in your area. Spend some time matching your qualifications to the job to make koranvers youre including the ideal search phrases and abilities. Discussing irrelevant abilities and achievements wouldnt benefit to you. Things that can be not strongly related the work really shouldnt be mentioned. Make sure that you highlight only the accomplishments and abilities which are linked to the job youre applying for. Writing and including a reference sheet with your resume is one method to show that youre fully prepared and prepared to put in the work force. A short resume goes a very long way. There are a number of ways to arrange information on your resume, but the classic reverse-chronological resume is the most frequently used resume style and certainly the best course of action. Moreover, the examples provided by professionals will off er you a strong idea of what things to expect, in the event you choose to turn to a resume writing service for expert help.